
Friday, May 8, 2015

Simple Chocolate Cake Recipe using a Toaster Oven and No Kitchen Weighing Machine - Just Cups and Spoons measurement

Just gotten a Morries Toaster Oven for free via Credit Card Redemption Points from Citibank.

Decided to try to make a cake with it without using any Weighing equipment. I don't have any weighing machine currently. I am all for shortcuts!

So I used measurement cups/spoons that looks something like this that I bought a while ago at a store:

Did some searching and found a simple recipe via Liz Aziz's YouTube Channel.
She's cooking it via the Philips AirFryer though.

I'm adapting her recipe by using the Toaster Oven (no temperature setting!) at 20 minutes.

Recipe from Liz:

Wet Ingredients:

1/2 cup melted butter
1 egg (hmm 1 egg only?)
1/3 cup milk or chocolate milk

Dry Ingredients:
1 cup plain flour
1tsp baking powder
3/4 cup fine sugar
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
Step 1:  Mix the wet ingredients together

Step 2:  Add in all the dry ingredients.

Step 3:  Pour into the pan.

Step 4:  Bake in the toaster oven for 20 minute

Step 5:  Poke the centre of the cake with a satay stick to see if its sticky or dry.
If it's sticky, it's not fully cooked yet. Try cooking it for another 5 to 10 minutes and test again till your satay stick is dry. 

It was pretty good. I made 2 small cakes with this using those metal thin foil type of disposable baking bowls. I lined it with butter before I poured in the cake mix. The oven managed to cook both cakes at the same time as it was quite spacious.

Going to try to make a plain version and maybe add other flavors like pandan or marble for fun.

Love the simple recipe! Fuss Free! Thanks Liz!

I did everything in like under 30 mins. And the kitchen had a really nice chocolatey smell while it was baking.  And as you can see, the cake had been devoured before I remembered to take a photo!

Research & Sources:
Liz Aziz's - Philips Airfryer - Bake a cake

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